Get Motivated: Inspiration From Fashion Icon Tory Burch
Designer, philanthropist, and businesswoman Tory Burch is a style icon to many women. The millionaire fashion entrepreneur is CEO and designer of Tory Burch LLC, her own clothing brand, which has more than 250 stores bearing her name worldwide. Her line is known for its timeless appeal and “affordable luxury” that any woman can appreciate.
Burch rose to the top of her field with a strong work ethic, starting out as an errand runner for a fashion designer before eventually climbing her way up to become Forbes’ 73rd “most powerful woman in the world” in 2015. Along the way, Ms. Burch has shared some useful life and business advice with her legions of fans and admirers. Here are some of her most-quoted tips for people who want to be entrepreneurs in any industry, not just fashion.

On creativity and determination: “If the most unique ideas were obvious to everyone, there wouldn’t be entrepreneurs. The one thing that every entrepreneurial journey has in common is that there are many, many steps on the road to success.” — Babson College commencement ceremony speech, May 2014

On an important life lesson taught to her by legendary Vogue editor Anna Wintour: “One thing she’s always said is, ‘Be focused.’ I think that was incredible advice. There are going to be a lot of people who weigh in for various reasons and you need to believe in yourself, and your idea.” – CNBC interview, 2017
On setting your goals high: “Ambition is not a four-letter word and women have to embrace that.” — American Express Open Forum, 2012
On hard work: “We may live in an age of instant messaging, instant gratification and Instagram, but there is no way to short circuit the path to success. It takes hard work, tenacity and patience.” — Babson College commencement ceremony speech, May 2014