Take A Look At These Genius Hidden Messages (Test Article)

Making money is a serious business. Things like, cash, flow, capital, assets, and net profitability are obviously important, but boring at the same time. Luckily, some companies take the time to have a little fun with their products.

They show the humor behind their jobs while spreading joy to everyone, all in the pursuit of making money. They should be appreciated for all of the hard work they do just so they can please the general public. Hopefully, you come across one of these hidden messages one day.

Just One Of A Kind

Talk about clever marketing. They actually create a positive reinforcement directly tied to their product, and ensure not only repeat customers, but viral advertising. The world needs more of this.

This comes from Gourmet Foods, Pakistans largest retail chain of food products. It has seven processing units across the country. It has outlets in Multan and Jalalpur. It also has international outlets which are located in London and one in New York City.



Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Museum of Ontario Archaeology

Its not every night you go to a concert and have this on your can. Carbonated water is pretty much club soda and it goes well with vodka. The water used includes quinine. Carbonation is the process that causes water to become effervescent.


All forms of this water brand are available in ready-to-drink bottles. However, some can also be prepared at home by using a soda maker.


Thats Strong Fashion Admiration Right There


Clearly, this isnt for guys because it says princess but I think they got their point across. Clothing labels shouldnt have to tell us something about ourselves. Labels have many uses like providing information on a products origin, but thats nowhere to be found here.


Its becoming more and more rare for people to actually check out the label before tossing it in the washing machine, but there are obvious reasons why you should be checking out the label. In many countries, hazardous products such as poisons or flammables must have a warning label.


Dont Look Down There


No one should look at the bottom of Innocent coconut water, ok. What? its not your fault its so delicious. The clear liquid inside coconut serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during the nuclear phase of development.


Fresh coconuts are harvested from the tree while they are green. A hole may be bored into the coconut to provide access to the liquid along with the meat inside of it too.


This Raincoat With A Floral Pattern


April showers bring May flowers. This is so innovative and artistic. This was a great way to turn a basic raincoat into two raincoats in one! Its a perfect way to make the most of getting caught in the rain without the need for pina coladas.


Something like this would make a very cool Aunt or Uncle, to say the least. I would get caught out in the rain way more if it turns my bland jacket into something so beautiful.